Stamps Mint and Used, Catalogues and Supplies for Collectors since 1964

Reading is the


to learning!

Specializing in stamp collector reference material, stamp and coin catalogues and stamp collector supplies since 1964.

**Serving collectors for 60 Years!!**


Knowledge is the Key...........Libraries Work!

Prices are in CAD$ -- Click on any image to see full size picture in new window.

Due to onlione sales and the number of shows we participate in, availability of all items listed on the web site are subject to prior sale.


to confirm availability.

Web page prices in CAD$

NEW updates and additions

09/07/24 - Literature, 08/08/24 - Canada Varieties, 08/01/24 - Canadian Stamps, 08/01/24 - British Commonwealth Stamps, 07/22/24 - Covers/Postal History,

07/15/24 - Canada First Day Covers, 08/01/24 - Worldwide Stamps, 07/12/24 - Used Literature, 07/12/24 - Supplies, 06/30/24 - U.S.A. Stamps, 02/20/24 - British Commonwealth Stamps,

01/08/24 - Collections, 12/19/23 - Canadian Annual Collections, 09/03/23 - Australia Stamps, 09/03/23 - Denmark Stamps, 09/03/23 - Greenland Stamps,

07/19/23 - Canada Booklet Varieties, 7/06/23 -Faroe Island Stamps,*revised* 6/29/23 - Specials, 06/14/23 - Canadian Booklets, 02/19/23 - EFO Specials,

06/05/20 - Canada Plate Blocks, 05/23/20 - Links, 6/13/17 - New Zealand (including Adverts), 3/20/11- Russia, 12/23/10 - Germany



Regional Stamp Shows

(click to view shows we attend)


Email your orders - some items one-of-a-kind (subject to availability or prior sale)

Recently Acquired

People's Republic of China SC#1546 (SG#2968) 1980 8f Chinese New Year - Monkey MNH

1980 Year of the Monkey stamp “was the first in the cycle of twelve Chinese Zodiac New Year stamps issued between 1980 and 1991

reverse shows traditional offset - - - Intaglio raised printing can be seen - - - raised printing can also be seen on 8f value - Upper left letters show proper form

SCOTT lists the stamp as MNH at $1900.00 USD and Stanley Gibbons lists it at £1600.00

Our price is only **SOLD** CAD$


New Zealand SC#104b, SG#1197a, Campbell Patterson #T-516z - 1979 MNH Health issue pair with Blue double print on Sea Urchin stamp

New Zealand SG#1197a Two-Spotted Chromis/Sea Urchin Health stamp pair with double print (SC#B104a, Campbell Patterson #T-516z),


Our price is only $150.00 CAD$


Canada #929i 48¢ Cradle - ink variation of background colour

2 x LL plate block - one regular background colour and one with grey/brown background colour

Unitrade now states "The 48¢ cradle stamp exists with variations in the background colour (described as pink by the printer) that were previously thought to be "magenta" missing errors............these are NOT missing colour errors but are some anomoly in the ink resulting in variations in the intensity of the inks used."

Our price is only $150.00 CAD$


Canada #O47a 2¢ Cameo Official "G" Overprint "Missing G" pair - ** Fake/Forgery

Reference copy - Vertical Pairs only possible

Our price is only $75.00 CAD$


Canada #CL42 Yukon Airways and Exploration Co. Ltd on "The Whitehorse Star" Newspaper

Cancelled Whitehorse Yukon April 13, 1928 with label tied to face of newspaper and straight line "postage paid" hand stamp, and receiving cancel ATLIN B.C. April 13, 1928

(small tear at bottom center and under lower Whitehorse cancel)

Unitrade catalogue $160.00 CAD$


Our price is only $95.00 CAD$


New Literature - 60th ANNIVERSARY SALE - All currently in stock Stanley Gibbons catalogues 20% off retail price

Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth and Empire Stamps 2024 - 126th edition - SOLD OUT

stanley gibbons great britain concise stamp catalogue Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise 2023 ** - $95.00 $76.00 CAD Stanley Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2019 Stanley Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2024 - 75th edition ** - 58.00 $34.80 CAD

Stanley Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2019 Stanley Gibbons Cyprus, Gibraltar & Malta 2023 - 6th edition - 67.00 $53.60 CAD

Stanley Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2019 Stanley Gibbons India 2023 - 6th edition ** - SOLD OUT Stanley Gibbons Collect British Stamps 2019 Stanley Gibbons Poland 2023 - 2nd edition ** - 62.00 $49.60 CAD

Stanley Gibbons Switzerland 2019 - 1st edition - 75.00 $60.00 CAD

Recently Added Literature


stanley gibbons switzerland stamp catalogue Stanley Gibbons Western Pacific 4th Edition 2017 ** - SOLD OUT stanley gibbons great britain concise stamp catalogue Stanley Gibbons Portugal and Colonies 1st edition - 2022 ** - 95.00 $76.00 CAD

stanley gibbons great britain concise stamp catalogue Stanley Gibbons New Zealand and Dependences 7th edition - 2022 - SOLD OUT Stanley Gibbons INDIA & STATES STAMP CATALOGUE Stanley Gibbons Indian Ocean 4th edition 2022 ** - 63.00 $50.40 CAD

Stanley Gibbons INDIA & STATES STAMP CATALOGUE Stanley Gibbons Brunei, Malaysia & Singapore 5th edition ** - 67.00 $53.60 CAD Stanley Gibbons Leeward Islands 3rd edition - SOLD OUT

stanley gibbons east africa stamp catalogue Stanley Gibbons East Africa with Egypt & Sudan - 4th edition (2018) ** - SOLD OUT stanley gibbons australia stamp catalogue Stanley Gibbons Australia 12th edition 2022 (reprint) ** - SOLD OUT


(click image to go to LITERATURE page)


Recently Acquired


Peoples Republic of China SC#1L107 - North East China with "major shift in central blue design" variety

(shown with normal issue)

Central blue design shifted down dramatically (unlisted in SCOTT)


Our price is only $50.00 CAD$


Just added to Stock


Canada Federal Wildlife Habitat Conservation stamps and Artist prints

Canadian Revenue Stamp Catalogue 1987 Artist signed stamp in booklet + 1987 Artist signed and numbered matching print

Each year, Wildlife Habitat Canada (WHC) holds a national art competition. The winning entry is then used as the design for the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp (the stamp). This stamp is also known unofficially as the Canadian Duck Stamp. The purpose of the stamp is threefold: it is required to be affixed to the physical migratory game bird hunting permit and there is an electronic image of the stamp on the PDF electronic permit purchased through the MGBH e-Permitting System it raises funds for wildlife and habitat protection and restoration projects it brings attention to the importance of wildlife and their habitats Funds raised from the sale of the stamp (when purchasing the MGBH permits, Stamp collecting products, and fine Art products) go to the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp Initiative program, which is managed by Wildlife Habitat Canada (WHC). WHC is a national non-profit, charitable conservation organization that was established in 1984. WHC’s objectives are to provide funding for wildlife habitat conservation in Canada, to conserve, restore and enhance wildlife habitat and to foster coordination and leadership in the conservation community. The funds from the Canadian Wildlife Habitat Conservation Stamp specifically support projects that include waterfowl, migratory birds and their habitats.


Click here to see the selection of Duck stamps and Prints


Canada Booklet #111Av 50 ¢ Flag Issue with Miscut Pane

March 1, 1990 issue - perforation 12½ x 13



canada422iv purple doubled stamp

UCS# BK111Av 50¢ booklet miscut

canada422iv purple doubled stamp

Our price is only - SOLD


Canada 1967 Souvenir Card with #422iv Purple Doubled

April 28, 1965 issue - 5¢ Prairie Crocus - Floral Emblems and Coat-of-Arms of the Provinces and Territories

canada422iv purple doubled stamp

UCS# 422iv purple doubled

canada422iv purple doubled stamp - canada422iv purple doubled stamp

Also includes UCS# 426 Floating Wild Rose

canada426 floating rose stamp

click images to see full size

Souvenir Card has been 3-hole punched to fit into 3-ring binder

Our price is only $250.00 CAD$


Recently Acquired


Canada UCS#464 20¢ Centennial with "Plastic Flow" variety

Used copy of 20¢ with "Plastic Flow" variety - note doubling inside 2 and 0 (unlisted in UCS)


Our price is only $20.00 CAD$


Recently Acquired


Canada UCS#461iii 8¢ Centennial Full Pane with "Plastic Flow" variety

Full MNH field stock pane of 50 with "Plastic Flow" variety on two stamps in the upper right blank corner ( pos. 5 + pos. 10) - note doubling inside 8, as well as, outside -

Canada #461iii - Plastic Flow UR corner with doubling of 8 - Canada #461iii position #10 Plastic Flow doubling of 8 - Canada #461iii position #20 Plastic Flow doubling of 8 -


Our price is only - SOLD



Just Arrived in Stock


Canada UCS#2844 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada RECALLED Souvenir Sheet

Officials at Canada Post issued a recall on a stamp featuring Dinosaur Provincial Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The error comes from the image used on the stamp, which is of a set of hoodoos, a rock formation found in the provincial park, located just north of Brooks, Alberta.

The problem is that the image on the stamp is actually of hoodoos that exist east of Drumheller, a community about an hour and a half northwest of Brooks. Canada Post apologized for the error and recalled the stamps, however some had already been sold to the public.


Our price is only - SOLD


Canada UCS#1114i 39¢ Christmas Angel Pair with Top Margin Imperforate (unlisted Now listed in Unitrade)

canada1359 miscut booklet stamp pane

canada1359 miscut booklet stamp pane

click image to see full size

Similar items in same time period are listed in Unitrade at $1200.00

Our price is only - SOLD


Canada Booklet #153Bx (SC#1359) 43¢ Flag Issue with Miscut Pane

canada1359 miscut booklet stamp pane

canada1359 miscut booklet stamp pane

click image to see full size

Our price is only - SOLD



Canada Prestige Booklet #309 (UCS#2094) 50¢ Toronto Dominion Bank complete booklet miscut (unlisted in Unitrade)

canada1359 miscut booklet stamp pane Canada booklet #309 front cover miscut

canada1359 miscut booklet stamp pane Canada booklet #309 back cover miscut

Canada booklet #309 inside front cover pane miscut

Canada booklet #309 page miscut

click image to see full size

Our price is only - SOLD



Canada UCS#F3ii 8¢ Blue Registered Letter Stamp

Canada F3ii registered stamp error

with horizontal guideline through "I" of left "EIGHT"

Canada F3ii registered stamp error

very fine mint, no gum copy with horizontal guideline through the "I" of left "EIGHT"

Canada F3ii registered stamp error

as well as, line through "P" of Stamp

Unitrade 2021 Canada Specialized catalogue lists this error at $1250.00 CDN

Our price is only - SOLD



Canada UCS#F2 5¢ Green Registered Letter Stamp

with Right Frameline Doubled

canadaf2 registered stamp

very good used copy with indistinct smudge cancel and right frameline doubled

canadaf2 registered stamp

UCS# F2v frame doubled

Our price is only $250.00 CAD$



CANADA Semi-Official Airmail Cover Unitrade #CLP5i

Illustrated Semi-Official Airmail First Flight cover

"via Aeroplane October 1, 1924 Estevan, SASK" violet oval

(CLP5i is the wide space between “e w” in Saskatche wan.)

canada clp5i semiofficial flight cover stamp error

(click on image for full view)

1¢ + 2¢ Admiral + CLP5i tied by violet aeroplane oval cancel

canada clp5i semiofficial flight cover stamp error

(click on image for full view)

with arrival slogan cancel ("Your Postman sells Stamps"): Winnipeg, MAN October 1, 1924

Great advertising cover, vertical fold at left - does not affect stamps

Our price is only $320.00 CAD$


United States SCOTT #1893d

Just added

Tagging Omitted

united states1893 tagging missing stamp booklet

(click on image for full view)

US SC#1893d booklet pane - missing tagging - Mint, Never Hinged

shown under UV with regular pane

united states1893 tagging missing stamp booklet

(click on image for full view)

SCOTT 2021 U.S. Specialized catalogue lists this error at $675.00 USD

Our price is only $400.00 CAD$



Canada #2047i "Write Me....Ring Me" folder with inverted pane of 2 Stamps


canada2047iwritemefolderinvertedstamp Red Rose - Silver Frame - Canada Postage Stamp | Write Me ... Ring Me with the pane of 2 stamps placed inverted in the folder canada2047i writeme folder inverted stamp ** canada2047i writeme folder inverted stamp This is an unopened pack bought at the post office

Our price is only - out-of-stock

CANADA Unitrade #978ai

Green printing Doubled

canada2047i writeme folder inverted stamp

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - Canadian Writers - E.J. Pratt and Laure Conan


(click on image for full view)


print shows significant doubling of the green inscriptions

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue does not list this error (as yet)

Our price is only $300.00 CAD$


CANADA Unitrade #995a



canada995a missing tint stamp

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - Newfoundland 400th Anniversary - Plate block of 10 (both)

canada995a missing tint stamp

(click on image for full view)

print shows distinct lack of red tint - face, collar, background, jacket additional variety of jacket button (pos. 12)

canada995a missing tint stamp

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue does not list this error (as yet)

Our price is only $900.00 CAD$


CANADA Unitrade #838aiv


Grey Inscription Doubled

canada838aiv grey doubled stamp

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - Inuit - Shelter & Community - "The Dance"

canada838aiv grey doubled stamp

(click on image for full view)


print shows significant doubling of the grey inscriptions

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue does not list this error (as yet)

Our price for the pair is only $500.00 CAD$

CANADA Unitrade #866ab


Grey Inscription Doubled - UL Corner Block

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - Inuit - "Spiritse"


(click on image for full view)

print shows significant doubling of the grey inscriptions

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue does not list this error (as yet)

Our price for the block is only $500.00 CAD$

CANADA Unitrade #1125ai

Black and Green Inscription Doubled

canada1125ai double print

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - CAPEX '87 Souvenir Sheet

canada1125ai double print

(click on image for full view)


print shows doubling on all stamp inscriptions

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue lists Major doubling MNH at $1000.00

Our price is only $350.00 CAD$



unitrade canada specialized stamp catalogue

click image to see full size

Completely revised with updated prices, images and text on many items. They use Scott numbering and included detailed listings of Canadian postage, Back-of-the-Book,
Postal Stationery, Booklets, Provinces including Newfoundland, Semi-official Airs, Duck/Wildlife, Yearbooks, etc.

** Computer Vended Postage listings expanded

** Rarity factors of New Brunswick numeral cancellations added

** Continuing to add more images of specific varieties (when made available to us)


Limited printing - Enquire about a copy now - they sell out quickly!!

$74.95 CAD (+ shipping and taxes) - SOLD OUT - unknown if new 2025 edition will be published



Canada Unitrade #607ii Repellex Error

canada607ii repellex error stamp block


1972 8c Christmas MISSING RED due to REPELLEX ERROR on lower 2 stamps in LL blank corner block of 6 (70% to 20% Missing)

canada607ii repellex error stamp block

Candle Flame is yellow instead of Orange & background is Light Blue instead of Violet. Mint, Very Fine, Never Hinged.

If you have questions about this lot ..........PLEASE ASK!

Our price is only $650.00 CAD$

CANADA Unitrade #934a

Missing Inscription ERROR

Blue Inscription Omitted

for Value and CANADA

canada934a missing inscription stamp error

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - from original find in Bellville Ontario

Robin Harris in his "Environment Definitive Series 1977-1987" reference

identifies and illustrates that "all known copies are centered a bit high."

canada934a missing inscription stamp error

(click on image for full view)

canada934a missing inscription stamp error

Inscription missing completely - note a thin in the lower right corner from surface adhesion

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue lists Fine MNH at $1250.00

Our price is only $400.00 CAD$

CANADA Unitrade #727a

Silver Omitted and Embossing Missing

for Value and CANADA

canada727a silver omitted stamp printing error

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - ex-Bileski holding

canada727a silver omitted stamp printing error

(click on image for full view)

canada727a silver omitted stamp printing error

Our price is only $350.00 CAD$



CANADA Unitrade #726ii

Black Doubled on Value and CANADA

canada726ii black print doubled stamp

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged - ex-Bileski holding

canada726ii black print doubled stamp

(click on image for full view)

canada726ii black print doubled stamp

Our price is only $250.00 CAD$


CANADA Unitrade #155Cax

CANADA and Value Doubled

canada1358as silver print doubled stamp booklet

click image to see full size

canada1358as silver print doubled stamp booklet

click image to see full size

Misregistration causing the 43 and the small vertical CANADA to double

Our price is only SOLD


CANADA Unitrade #925

(Darnell 1089-CM - $300.00 retail for block of 4)

34¢ Parliamnet Buildings - June 21, 1985

Full Pane with

Repellex Error

across Row #6

canada925 repellex error stamp full pane

(click on image for full view)

canada925 repellex error stamp full pane


I also see a few other errors on the pane, away from the repellex error

Our price is only $850.00 CAD$

for full pane 100

Canada UCS#523a(cx) 5¢ Christmas center block of 10 Misperf

canada523a stamp pane misperforation

(click on image for full view)

Misperf 5¢ Christmas center block/10 (all pairs)

** including #522iii "Dot between M and A of Christmas" **


** #522d "2 dots" in lower right of Sun (unlisted but known) **

Our price is only $750.00 CAD$


CANADA Unitrade #747b/bi

Possibly unique intact block of 10

Partial perf + Imperf Lower part of Pane

canada747bi stamp block imperforate

(click on image for full view)

Mint, Never Hinged

Unitrade Canada Specialized lists this error as #747b for blocks and #747bi for vertical pair - The footnotes say nothing about the full and intact lower part of the pane which has both corner blocks plus the vertical pair.

This block also contains an imperf copy of #747i - "3 pulleys" variety

canada747bi stamp block imperforate

(click on image for full view)

For the record there is a spot on the gum and two very light gum bends, none of which is visible from the front of this exhibit quality show piece

Untrade Canada Specialized catalogue lists MNH 2 x block + vertical pair at $10,295.00 CAD

Our price is only SOLD

canada862 double print stamp

click image to see full size

Canada UCS#862 17¢ Hanlan Blue Double Print

canada862 double print stamp- canada862 double print stamp - canada862 double print stamp - canada862 double print stamp

(click on image for full view)

Our price is only $300.00 CAD$


Canada #1587 90¢ Christmas Issue with Green Colour Missing

canada1587 missing colour stamp block

(click on image for full view)

- Green background colour missing from lower pair

- in UL plate block - upper pair green background, lower pair gold background

There may have been a sheet that overlapped this sheet when the green was applied - you can see the green colour where it came through the perf holes of the overlapping sheet

Upper pair printing is green, lower pair printing is gold

**Fading from light or chemical would make the upper pair show colour missing, not the pair that had the overlapped sheet**


Our price is only $1250.00 CAD$

North American Distributor

Australasian Stamp Catalogue 32nd Edition Volume 1

covers all Stamps issued Australian up to February 2017, and Australian Antarctic Territory, Cocos Islands and Christmas Island up to December 2016

australasian stamp catalogue seven seas

Brand New edition - 400 pages, New A4 format Covers Australia, AAT, Christmas & Cocos (Keeling) Islands Stamps, FDCs, Packs, Year Books and Postal Stationery Illustrated in Full Colour

Our price is only - SOLD OUT



Many 2023 CANADA supplements are now available . Order yours today!

Canada 2023 CWS Hingeless, Unity, Parliament, Jarrett and Dominion and US 2023 Presidents and Seal are available now! Harris 2023 Canada and Harris MASTER 2023 Worldwide supplement are still waiting for release. Lindner, Lighthouse, SCOTT and Minkus Canada and other select supplements can be ordered so they are ready to ship when available (some are early summer release)!

Stamp Shows we will be attending in 2024:




** August 17/24 - Kincardine Ontario - CONFIRMED

** September 28/24- Cambridge Ontario - (new location and date)-

** October 5/24- Guelph Ontario - (new location and date) - CONFIRMED

**October 19-20/24 - CANPEX 2024 National 2 Day Philatelic Exhibition - London Ontario - CONFIRMED

** November 2/24- Chatham Ontario - CONFIRMED


**February /25- St. Thomas Ontario -


**March/25- Windsor Ontario -


** March/25- Woodstock Ontario -

** April /25- London Ontario -

** April/25- Kitchener Ontario - CONFIRMED


** May /25- Walkerton Ontario - CONFIRMED


** May /25- Sarnia Ontario - New Location: Grace United Church 990 Cathcart Blvd, Sarnia, ON N7S 2H2 - CONFIRMED



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Where the world meets to talk about stamps!!

Prices on our site are in Canadian DOLLARS. Conversions will be taken at current posted rates of exchange.

If you find pages with broken links or if your browser does not appear to display a page properly, we would like to hear from you.

The Ten Commandments of Stamp Collecting


Visit the

Sarnia Stamp Club


Royal Philatelic Chapter #45    Founded December 6, 1951



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